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Lilly Pinkett

ComoNaz Youth Leader

Youth Leader Email

My Motivation

God has transformed my life in ways I would have never imagined and I want to show the world who Jesus is and what a genuine relationship with Him looks like. No one is too far gone or not worthy enough in the eyes of the Lord. He is patiently waiting for us to get to know Him and just love him back. I would love to show people the power of Christ and what it truly means to walk with Him.


My Background

I was born and raised in Columbia and I graduated from Battle High school in 2019. I’ve been a member of Columbia First Nazarene for years but I became an official member of the church in 2021. I currently have my local ministry license and I’m taking classes to be able to attain my district ministry license.


My Spiritual Journey

I’ve known about God my whole life but I never truly knew who God was or had a true relationship with Him until 2020. I started going to youth group at Columbia First Nazarene in 2017, where I met Pastor Pat and Becky. I learned a lot about Jesus and the christian walk through having conversations with them, and eventually developed my own relationship with the Lord through prayer and studying His word. I got saved and baptized since then, and now I am answering the call to ministry and very excited to serve and fulfill the purpose God has for me.


One More Thing

I am married to my best friend Jalen. We love lifting weights together at the gym and we are dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle physically, mentally and spiritually.

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